Test Service Offerings
Automation Accelerator
Accelerate your Test Automation Efforts with tapQA! Our Automation Accelerators will shave weeks, if not months, off your efforts to build a robust Test Automation Suite - all at significant cost savings.
Our Automation Accelerators are reusable code bases that provides a “single source of maintenance” model for cross-browser, cross-platform, parallel web browser testing. tapQA Consultants adapt the Accelerators to the specific needs of our clients to deliver better web automation solutions in less time than before.
Using a tapQA Automation Accelerator will quickly and efficiently integrate an automation framework into a QA process, which allows for testers to begin generating test scripts faster than they would if the framework was created from scratch. This also comes with the piece of mind that the foundation of the framework is sound, having been implemented in other environments.
Core benefits to tapQA’s Test Automation Accelerators include:
- Reusable code base significantly reduces development time in building a robust test automation framework
- You own the finished product - no licensing costs from a vendor!
- Allows automation teams to get up to speed faster and enables faster automation implementations
- Shortens or eliminates the time spent recreating repetitive code from scratch
- Configured to work with an existing CI pipeline
- Architecture supports expandability for future automation enhancements (such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning)
- Able to be configured once and easily reused for multiple automation projects (for Web, Mobile and API framework engagements)
- The tapQA Automation Accelerators offer the following features:
- Parallel test execution
- Cross-browser and cross-platform (operating system) test execution
- Reporting functionality
- Integration with Saucelabs and/or other platforms
- Encryption of sensitive data
- Automated test-to-performance script conversion
- Library of common utilities to move past common issues